Mike Frank
Chief Executive Officer
Mike Frank is the CEO of UPL’s
Global Crop Protection business. He joined UPL in January 2022 as
President and Chief Operating Officer. He brings a depth of industry
knowledge and expertise from almost 30 years in the global
agricultural industry in a variety of strategic and leadership
Mike began his career at Monsanto where
he spent 25 years in sales, marketing, business strategy, and
general manager roles, and between 2014 and 2017 he served as Senior
Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, leading Monsanto’s
global commercial operations. In 2017, Mike moved to Nutrien, the
world’s largest agriculture retail organization, where he served as
Executive Vice President and CEO until 2021. At Nutrien, Mike
oversaw a wide-ranging modernization of the company, focused on
improving value for customers and supply chain execution, alongside
geographic and digital expansion.
Mike is a passionate agriculture
advocate, and is focussed on developing solutions to strengthen
global food security whilst driving environmental and economic
sustainability for farming communities and the industry at large.
Mike is excited to draw on his extensive experience in driving
growth, digitalisation, and customer-centric approaches as UPL looks
to expand its collaboration, innovation, and farmer-focused product
line with new projects, initiatives, and partnerships across the